Foma Fomapan 400 action

Shot on 35mm at box speed with Canon 28-80/3.5-5.6 III

Example photos shot on 35mm film. Developed and scanned by Nimmfilm in Leipzig and presented here unedited.

About Foma Fomapan 400 action

The Fomapan series, offered in 100, 200 and 400 speed, is Foma's most popular series of film. As panchromatic films they are reponsive to the entire visible light range. The 400 speed film is the fastest in the Foma's product catalog and is charactised by a reduced exposure lattitude, i.e. higher contrast. At the same time the medium sized film grain is still well under control. The contrast can be reduced by rating the film at lower speeds. Among the Fomapan series the 400 action exhibits the smallest amount of reciprocity failure (Schwarzschild effect), but the film is still not the first choice for long exposures.

About Foma

FOMA BOHEMIA is a traditional manufacturer of photo materials located in the Czech Republic. The company was founded in 1921 in the city of Hradec Králové, about 120km east of Praha [1]. During the years of communism in Eastern Europe Foma was turned into a state-owned company [2] and started to produce color film and X-ray films. While the production of X-ray film for medicine and industry continues, the photography products are today exclusively black and white. Foma has a reputation of not reaching the technical standards of their big competitors Kodak, Ilford and Fuji. Instead they offer an affordable alternative for photographers that value creativity over technical perfection. With that, they are especially popular in lomography and other experimental fields of analog photography. They are also a popular choice for large format photography.


[1], retrieved July 18th 2020
[2], retrieved July 18th 2020
[3], retrieved July 18th 2020


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